This is my second time scolding vulgar word. Reason ? Cause of my stupid adviser. She wanted me to apologize but i refused to. So ? She asked me to get out of the class. After such a great insults by me and she expected me to say sorry ? Hahahah , i was so fucking pissed off. Thank goodness Esha was there to accompany me at the canteen. My friends told me that the whole classed spoiled her mood early in the morning. Like hello ? Since when the whole class spoiled your mood ? Don't put the blame onto my classmates as i caused this bad-mood thingy today. It was me. I guess the whole class also don't wish to see your faulty face. (: One thing i just really don't like about her is her sarcastic answers towards us. I will guarantee you that her answer that she gave will definitely piss you off.
PS/ Thank you guys for making my day ! (: . Ain't worth it to be so mad at something plus that something won't do anything. Shan says that don't let this matter ruined your day. Love you guys ! Mwah mwah !
Guo Jing took video clip of us. He thought that we didn't know. -.- There's a red light flashing out la haiyo ! Really took whole lots of pictures with my class ! We played captain's ball during S&W, kanasai , we compete with other class. Team 2 is very violent, they snatch those ball from our girls ): BOO HOO !
This Nanthini got nothing better to do in class. Cindy's cute ! (: Do i looked like an ah lian talking on the phone ? (can't rmber who said that) All in red !!! We had hard times taking pictures from downwards. Cause i took upwards , in front, then Nanthini said take downwards also la ! Hahahha. Understand what im talking about ? This was Nanthini's great shot. (her hands keep on shivering, nervous taking pics with me.) ^^ GUESS WHO IS THIS TWO FELLAS ! GUO JING IS A LOUSY PHOTOGRAPHER !
End of today's post ! Revise work and script !!!!! Die die !