1 i have to change my bedsheet once a week if not i will feel very disgusted
2 i have a calender that would let me write things onto it, like a mini journal. its a must for me to write if not i will messed up what i did for yesterday's and today's. messed up alot of times.
3 i must put body lotion everyyyyy night if not i feel weird and uncomfortable.
4 when i wear contact lens, i must wear a pair geeky spectacle
5 i like to shop alone
6 i have insonmia, i will wake up at weird timings, like can be 3am, 4am+++, 6am+++ and always go back to sleep, then waking up again ): anddddd i will really have bad attitudes, throwing tantrums around. like very dao towards people. i will get pissed off easily. ): when i dont have enough sleep. and that will happen!
7 when im alone, i will blast the music out loud and dance to the beat (stupid moves! i will make myself laugh too)
8 I dont take showers in the morning or whichever time i wake up
9 im very ticklish, like everywhere.
10 you can make me laugh very easily. yes whichever way you wanna put it. i will laugh at almost anything
11 i cant stand it when people compliment me, i will get annoyed. i seriously cant take compliments AT ALL.
12 when im in a crowded place(shopping mall etc), my head will start to spin like giddy spells, i cant take the crowds. i got so used to it that i dont even care, i will just endure it. there's a lot of times i felt like fainting, but i just kinda stay like strong? i dont really tell my friends cause not much of help either. like what can my friends do man! dont want them to worry so yeah.