Friday, May 15, 2009


Lois (Boyfriend)

3 years and still counting.

I just really love to hang out with her. She's really a very hyper active girl.
Well, that just the way i loved her. :)
Always go to her house and stay over. Talk about guys, standard stuffs that we girls usually do.
We can like talk to each other the whole entire night.
Next day we went to church like zombies. Hahahah !

Chew Hoon (Ah Hoon,Bee Hoon, Veronica)

5 years and still counting.

Just love to hang out with you girl. I can just share whatever things we have in mind.
Especially our favourite hot topics which is talking about our crushhhhhhh in school <:}. She's always here to help me and giving me give advise. Always my listening ear.
Vanessa (Ah sa, Neh, Ah Eng)

5 years and still counting.

This neh here like to talk nonsense, whenever she's with us.
I swear she's the most talkative and noisiest girl among all of us.
She always come to my house for a swim and sun tan together. :)
Tell you this, she really cannot shut her mouth up. Right ? =B

Brenda Mary Ann Periera (I just love to spell her full name)

5 years and still counting.

Bundung ah, just love her la. She also like to talk about guys ^^
There are more secretive things which we talk about. Can't really tell though.
Very private stuffs. She's kinda crazy like me too.
Obviously is talk those damn random stuffs like i slap her breast blah blah.
Your armpit hair like Monkey's hair. Your hair like ah ma's hair etc etc.
There's TONS of disgusting stuffs sadly i cannot remember ):

Just wanted to thank God for such a lovely friends He had blessed me.
Without them, i wouldn't have best friends for now. I wouldn't be blogging here now to talk about them.
And yes, they are really my lovely friends who cares for me all the time.
Though at times we do have misunderstandings, but i know we still do care for each other.
We'll always help one another no matter how difficult times would be.
But still, we can pull this through :). I really just want to say that i love you girls !
It's really very hard to explain the Love, how to express it. Through feelings actually.
Girls, you know i heart you guys like no tomorrow right ? ^^
Thank you for letting me to be your best friend and those trust, faith, honesty with one another.
Ah Mad really love you girls ! I can't live without you guys !


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