Friday, September 12, 2008

Aint the clouds beautiful ? (: . I doubt so ;D
Enjoy the pictures below k ?

I went to somewhere today.

And i think is not really that nice to say where i went (:

Took some pictures with Neh and QR today.

Actually , wanted to post a video. But i think , its too umglam.

So sorry , but there's another video below , enjoy k ?

Why are you guys aint talking to each other ?

Its just only a small matter , why must you always be like this ?

Please , talk to him will you ? If you continue to be like this , it wont be helped.

I just dont understand why must you be like this ? He is upset.

My dear , you've got to be strong.

We'll always be there for you. Dont sad already k ? Love you sweetie.

Jesus so our God

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