Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How to lose face fat !!!!!

Exercise No. 1

Inflate both of your cheeks with air, as if you want to swallow a lot of air. Then move the air from one cheek to another. Keep doing this until you are out of breath. Repeat four more times.

Exercise No. 2

Gently smile and lift up the corners of your mouth while keeping your eyes neutral. Keep other muscles of the face relaxed as you smile. Hold the smile for five to ten seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise No. 3:

You will look like a fish that’s trying to smile with this exercise. Smile by pursing your lips slightly, then withdraw a bit and suck your cheeks into the hollows of your face. Hold this position for at least five seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Here are some tips on how to lose face fat:

1) Eat fresh, raw fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, and seeds everyday. Not cooking them will ensure that you are getting beautifying cocktails of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber, enzymes, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and phytochemicals in their untouched and undiminished form.

Raw nutrients will reverse aging, clean up your gut, detoxify your liver, fight disease, metabolize excess fat, alleviate stress, help build muscle mass, and promote healthy sleep. The high potassium and low sodium ratio in raw foods will also solve your water retention problem.

Raw fruits and vegetables will cleanse, heal, and rejuvenate your body, and you cannot have a truly healthy body without having a glowing, radiant countenance to boot.

2) Facilitate the detox processes initiated by your new healthy diet by sweating through exercise. Exercising will also unclog your skin’s pores and promote circulation, giving your face a healthy flush of color. Jogging and running will get all the muscles in your body working, including those in your face.

This is why marathon runners normally don’t have chins and jowls that jiggle. Stretching exercises such as yoga on the other hand will help you relax and de-stress. But the best exercise that will deflate a puffy face is what is collectively known as face exercises.

For more information on facial exercises check out the site’s articles on face firming and face lift alternatives.

3) Practice order and discipline to kick bad habits such laziness, procrastination, and not sleeping on time. Make a schedule and a to-do list everyday.

Be sure to allot time for exercise and for trips to the grocery’s organic produce section or the nearest farmer’s market. Develop the willpower and motivation to empty your liquor cabinet and throw away your lighter and pack of smokes.

Observe mental discipline as well. Stop worrying and start smiling.

Remember, your face is your show window. It definitely won’t hurt if what’s on display is nothing but a wonderful image of health and beauty.


Things You'll Need:
Sweet almond oil
Lemon essential oil
Weight-lifting equipment

How to Get Rid of Baby Fat on the Cheeks
Massage your face twice a week. Mix 2 tsp. of sweet almond with 3 to 4 drops of lemon essential oil and massage this over your entire face and neck. Use upward, smooth, even strokes, starting from the base of your neck to the top of your forehead. This cleanses and invigorates your skin, pushing toxins and water retention out of your face, while tightening and toning your cheek muscles.

Exercise your facial muscles with a scream expression. Your mouth and eyes should be wide open and your jaw dropped, just as you would if you were screaming. Hold for five seconds, release and repeat three times. Favor facial exercises during a facial massage for best results so the massage oil prevents overstretching or breakage of your skin.

Exercise your facial muscles with another facial expression. Choose any exaggerated or dramatic facial expression to tone and strengthen your facial muscles. Try mimicking the natural expression that occurs when applying mascara, with your eyes wide open and your lips pursing downwards.

Use bodybuilding machines or lift weights that tone your facial muscle. Weight machines provide muscle-building exercises for primary and secondary muscle groups. The primary muscles gain the most benefits and the secondary muscle groups receive consequential benefits as well. For instance, lateral lifts strengthen shoulder muscles as a primary muscle group, but your neck, shoulders and face also tone up as a secondary muscle group.

Eat plenty of protein, fiber and green leafy vegetables. Protein builds muscle and gives you energy to do sports and other activities so you can lose weight. Fiber makes you feel fuller longer and cleanses your body of excess toxins and retention fluids stored in your fat cells. Green leafy vegetables provide vitamins and minerals that give your face a healthy glow.

Avoid junk foods like candy and chips. Sugar prevents weight loss and salt causes water retention, giving you a bloated, puffy appearance, especially in the cheeks and eye area.

Take a cold shower and air dry your body. Shivering helps burn glucose stored in baby fat. Dr. Sven Enerback, a researcher at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, recently reported in the "New England Journal of Medicine" that baby fat, the calorie burning fat, may never disappear. Shivering from cold temperatures creates heat from energy stored in fat cells. You may not have the appearance of baby fat one day, but some of it remains to keep you healthy and fit when you are older.


•Play sports to lose weight and tone your body. Join a team at school, sign up with a community softball team or become a member at a tennis club. You can lose baby fat and make new friends. Give yourself time to let nature design your body and face. You might not want the baby fat in your cheeks now, but you may want it back after it is gone. Your face resembles someone in your family that loves you, and your face is a reflection of that love. Find sentiment and satisfaction in your facial features no matter what stage it goes through..
•Never apply essential oil directly on the skin. Use a safe carrier oil like olive oil or jojoba oil. For oily or combination skin types, use grape seed or rosehip oil for mixing essential oils..

Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhh I'm so gonna do this woohooooooooooooooooo ! Healthy go happy.

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