Thursday, January 5, 2012

new testament

1. Start a Bible reading plan. Read through the Bible at least once this year!

2. Set a time to DAILY encounter Jesus each morning

3. Take some time to write down what God is calling you to do this year. Review it weekly

4. Get more involved in Church. What need can you fill?

5. Make a list of people you are believing to see saved this year and pray for them daily!

6. Initiate more meetings with your leader/pastor this year

7. Make room in your schedule to disciple new believers

8. Determine to be different. Don't get stuck where you were last year.. change!

9. Let go of the past. Forgive. Forget. Move on. It's a new day!

10. hit the ground running! Set your sights on your goals and start going for it!

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